English c.v.

Loes Maier-Reudink, 

was born in 1954 in Koedijk, a small village near the city of Alkmaar in Holland.

After finishing her study of four years at the “Schans”art academy in Amsterdam during the summer of 1975, Loes worked for some years as a graphic designer in a public relation agency.


In 1977 she married a Dutch geologist and in 1980 her daughter Gaby was born. Her husband started to work for the Shell International Petroleum Company which resulted in 1981 in a move to Oman where her husband was offered an assignment with the local Shell Company.

Her sun Sebastiaan was born in 1982.

During her stay in Oman from 1981 to ’85 she started to work for herself, specializing in pen drawings and portraits.

Her move to Brunei Darussalam in North Borneo meant her first encounter with the Far east.

Here she created her fantasy dolls and started to develop the art of aquarelle painting.


In 1989 she finally moved to Jakarta where her husband joined Shell Indonesia.

She further explored her painting talents, whilst absorbing the Indonesian culture and atmosphere, which strongly influence the subject of her work.
More combined techniques have been introduced and motifs en colours are determined by the batik material present in every painting. Women, mostly Indonesian, form the central 

subject of most of her paintings.

Her first major exhibition in Jakarta was successfully held in 1991 at the Erasmus Huis, the cultural centre of the Dutch Embassy, which was followed by an exhibition with “Kelompok Duablas” in 1992.


The return to Holland in 1993 meant automatically a less influence of the Eastern style. This was well to see in particular change of atmosphere in the paintings, more challenged, different colours and use of subject.

use of subject.